Dog and Cat Licenses

Dog and Cat Licenses are due for renewal during the month of January of each succeeding year and shall be valid through December 31 of the year issued. Any such renewal shall be completed by the last day of January in each year. The fee is $15.00 for spayed and neutered pets and $20.00 for non-spayed and non-neutered pets.  A late fee for each Dog or Cat not registered by February 28 of the year in question will accrue a late fee monthly.


All dogs and cats are required to be licensed upon reaching 7 months of age.  Proof of current rabies vaccination must be supplied. There is a limit of two dogs and two cats.


If you would like to apply for a license by mail please complete the Pet Registration Form and include a copy of the rabies certificate.  Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope with this registration form as the Borough cannot be responsible for the cost of return mail. 


Pursuant to the provisions of P.L. 2017, CHAPTER 189 b. The Borough of Magnolia shall post the following on their website and provide all persons licensing dogs with a copy of the following documents:

Guide to Prevention of Animal Cruelty Laws

4:22-17 Cruelty, degrees

4:22-26 Penalties for various acts constituting cruelty


Borough of Magnolia
438 West Evesham Ave Magnolia, NJ 08049-1725 (856) 783-1520 (856) 782-0782 fax
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Saturday & Sunday - Closed