Do Not Knock Registry

The Borough of Magnolia has enacted a "Do Not Knock Registry" that will be given to any solicitor, peddler, hawker, etc., that applies for a permit for door to door solicitation within the municipality.

In order for a resident to be added to this registry, the attached application must be completed and sent to the attention of the Municipal Clerk. 

No payment is required to be added to this registry. 

If a resident would like the vinyl sticker for display, please mail to the borough a completed application, a check for $5.00 (made payable to the Borough of Magnolia), and a return envelope affixed with postage. DO NOT SEND CASH!

The address will be added to the registry, and a sticker will be mailed back to be placed on the front of the home. The address will remain live in our system as long as the property is owned. At the time of transferring of title, the property will be removed from our database. This registration is NON-TRANSFERABLE.

We recommend visibility of this sticker be in optimal view for any solicitor that may come to your door.

Should you receive a visit from a solicitor, and are registered, you may contact the Magnolia Police Department:

For emergencies call 911

For non-emergencies call (856) 784-1884

Any and all inquiries regarding this Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the Municipal Clerk. Council meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday, and 3rd Thursday of the month.

Do Not Knock Registry Application

Borough of Magnolia
438 West Evesham Ave Magnolia, NJ 08049-1725 (856) 783-1520 (856) 782-0782 fax
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:00pm Saturday & Sunday - Closed