The Finance Department is responsible for all financial transactions of the Borough of Magnolia. The responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:
Custody and Investment of all Borough funds.
Provide assistance to the Mayor and Council in the preparation of the Annual Budget.
Maintenance of all financial records for the Borough including a complete General Ledger for all funds as well as Monthly and Annual Reporting of all revenues and appropriations.
Handling of all aspects of Debt Service including payment schedules and correspondence with attorneys concerning temporary and permanent financing.
Provide assistance and oversight to departments in regard to Purchasing functions in accordance with State and Borough regulations.
Processing of Accounts Payables in accordance with State and Borough regulations.
Developing and maintaining an Internal Control System to safeguard Borough assets.
Preparation of the Annual Financial Statements and Annual Debt Statements in accordance with State regulations.
Preparation and coordination of Bank Reconciliations.
Compilation of Fixed Asset Reports for audit presentation.
Preparation of Financial Reporting for Grants including handling of all reimbursement requirements.
Audit and reconciliation of Payroll for Borough employees including the preparation of all Federal and state tax fillings.